(And Im just going to say it: Barack Obama, the so-called Great Uniter, did more to damage race relations in this country than any leader in my lifetime. (Quick experiment: Do a Google image search for white family and black family and see what you get.). Look at the article Whiteness is a Pandemic. I see youve done your research. Audiences know when the minority struggle and sentiment is being simply preached but not practiced by the creative team. It reminds me of an episode on the series Community in which the college mascot wore a tan jumpsuit that covered it head to toe because of the hype about college mascots offending people we will soon have a neutral society, everyone will be light brown. Kris, I cant say you made a bad decision pulling the plug all those years ago. Thanks for letting me know its not just me thinking it anymore. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child And it all just aint about a disproportionate amount of blacks in commercials. They have since spread their bullshit theories throughout the higher echelons of education. This is an advertising blog, after all. Make it a party game One drink for a white couple; two drinks for a mixed-race couple; three drinks for a mixed-raced couple with an Asian kid; etc You make the rules! Have fun! Its gotten to the point where you never see a smart white male in a television commercial. This is the greatest country on earth !! For instance, when men are in ads they are in the periphery unless its a couple then its a black male and a white woman. Check our Privacy and Cookie Policy for more information. The sad truth is, the spectre of slavery in Americas past is now merely a convenient tool used by one political party to drive a wedge between black people and white people. Oh, Im afraid the NHL isnt just being picked on its own-goaling itself. The reason blacks are overrepresented is because they are very vocal with their complaints. Just sick of all the whining. Thanks for reading and taking the time to share your experiences and examples. Too bad theres no cancellation button for commercials! Pierce Brosnan is not the same physical type as Connery. Why do we constantly try and guess? For example, hire a woman to communicate about womens issues. Because all they want is welfare. Im glad you posted this. Its quite obvious the liberal clowns are trying to portray white men as stupid and weak. . Its usually because no one on the marketing campaign asked POC hikers about their hiking experiences. Start by consulting diverse communities through surveys, advisory or focus groups to understand their concerns or perspectives on a given topic. On occasion, I myself have heard black people admit that their fellow blacks purposely behave counter-culturally to whites. One pet gripe that I have is seeing non-whites portray white people (for reasons of inclusion) in plays and films. Love it! I think a white person wants their race to survive & thrive as much as all other races. We the buying public are born with pretty good BS detectors. . I know that every generation makes the same claim, but it is only in recent times that we have reached the critical 100yr mark of the Federal Reserve Act being passed. The Davos crowd is trying to destroy America because our Christianity and freedom-loving traditions stand in their way. But Ill bet its in the top 5 for virtue signaling. Subliminally the affect is that white females should be dating black males or are supposed too. I dont blame you a bit for turning off the tube in favor of books and movies, Madge, but I would encourage you to hit back with a parting shot before you go. I make sure to buy their product. We knew this was coming, and are not struggling for reasons like the normies do. But to look at these commercials youd think that 90% of the country was black and theyre only casting commercials to reflect the demographics. Your comment reminds me of what I used to hear some 15-20 years ago, about how damaging negative stereotypes in media can be. But theyd still need to scroll down and will see white fathers along with obligatory POC. Maybe this is why advertisers are pushing these social agendas?? Just dont use the dreaded C (Christmas) word though. I am a former busboy for the same company where I am the CMO. Great points, G! I do NOT watch any commercials anymore. I've seen ads with literally theres one east asian, one south east asian, one white, and one black. Fake green and inclusion narratives? A very simple chromosome test is all that is needed. Off the subject but There needs to be set a new standard for the determination of male and female. As you note, weve allowed our culture to somehow brand masculinity as toxic a big mistake, as it is and always has been the natural combination of masculine and feminine parents that has allowed the human race to survive, to birth and raise the next generation, and to prosper in a harsh world. The term, forced diversity, is traditionally used by those who feel annoyed by the change in certain plot narratives of the audiovisual media. I just saw three commercials in a row with mixed-race (black/white) couples/families, including at least one with kids and one with an attractive black woman dating a doofy-looking, ginger-haired white guy. They parade black people around to try and prove that most blacks can be upstanding. Its ridiculous and feels like retribution at this point, rather than wanting things to be equal. Sadly I work for a large corporation and for self preservation reasons do not feel comfortable divulging my identity, given that todays social justice warriors will label anyone who even remotely disagrees with their world view as an -ist or a -phobe and will make it their lifes ambition to get said person fired. I was never this way before but Im tired of turning on my TV or streaming service and wondering if Im watching a channel from Nigeria. Once youve determined how youd like to improve, tap into the many new resources out there, such as Vices gender-inclusive stock photo library and the Conscious Style Guide, a guide for helping writers use more inclusive, mindful language. Americans vote with their wallet. But Caucasians dont march, or wear mask.we need to speak up and not be canceled out. Make sure your voice is heard. I would love to organize SHWM (Single Heterosexual White Males) because we are apparently unrepresented and as such are solely responsible for the oppression of all non-SHWM people! See, Robert, I think you should have asked me to tackle this subject anyway. Walt Disney did not have a problem depicting masculine heroes. Its almost comical how they have seemed to disappear, when in reality its quite the opposite. Explaining why many of our business leaders and politicians are in favor of these things. Some say they. For more information about this processing of personal data, check our Privacy and Cookie Policy. Remember that the Asians were brought here as slaves to work on the railroads. The home security ads all show white male burglars. White, yes. What is the rationale for this? I think it is about destroying the indigenous populations of countries so Germans, English, Americans, etc. I dont own slaves and neither did any of my ancestors (poor immigrants). Do the stories you read there measure up to the advertising portrayal? Also almost never see Asians either. In todays TV commercials and movies, the burglars are always white! Yeah, the same idea applies here. NFL merchandise commercials show virtually no whites in their merchandise ads, yet TV live shots of stadium crowds are almost entirely white audiences. This country is not what the Founding Fathers envisioned. Hollywood is not making art at all anymoreits all social engineering propaganda. they are letting you know what they desire for the future, what is good and what is bad White family bad so plain to see. But what seemed like overnight the pendulum over swung. The worst is the man whos lamenting the loss of his afternoon because the white woman with him is selling her car. so we dont realize how were the cattle. We are not to pay for the sins of our fathers, and absolutely no one has done more to help lift the black community out of poverty. However, that should never mean 90% one race unless that is your target. I just happen to have two 36 axe handles right here by my desk. Theyre starting to wonder if pushing all of these agendas might just be costing them money. Patrick Ward, High Speed Experts. Forced diversity in marketing is often obvious and occasionally offensive. I dont need to tell you that we live in a hyper-politically-correct society. In advertising classes, we were taught that companies had certain markets/segments of the population to focus on, and to not waste money advertising dollars on markets where they werent selling. If I had to sum up the answer in three words, I would have to say fear, guilt, and social justice.. Isnt that interesting? There are over 80 commercials currently airing that feature black male white females in romantic relationships. Who is committing the crime currently?.. A breath of fresh air. I find the media, the big corps, anti-social media, etc., quite nauseating. A person identified as white is a racist, by definition. Oh, I dont know, Anna. I am so tired of this. Even then I remember observing how these articles addressed this new future as if it were simply a matter of natural human progression vs the very intentional Hart-Celler Act coupled with our governments refusal to police its border adequately. Rob, you have started a firestorm with this subject. And lastly, the attack on white males in commercials has been going on for years. unless he is placed beside a Nubian Goddess as his love interest or something. ANA. The irony is, as Im trying to do work for regional brands, our demographic is mainly rural ranchers and small business owners. I wouldnt buy the product for a penny let alone what they are selling it for. God forbid somebody appropriates the wrong thing. Political leaders on both sides of the aisle continue to enrich themselves while we pay the price, war is big money and it is used as a distraction from from the things that are usually going on right under our noses. You are also correct that it is almost impossible to boycott all of these companies. I feel like someone is trying to brainwash America. Its all so insincere. I prefer the authenticity of brands like Sprite and Cheerios that frequently target the black demographic specifically because they already have an affinity with this audience or they want to make inroads with these consumers. This is planned cultural change to foment divisionand it seems to be working well for them. This reckoning has forced companies, large and small, to contend with their own diversity, and many firms have identified that they are lacking. We finally got respect form America years ago, we got gay marriage legalized and now these crazy people want to groom children in the schools??? maybe you should just stay off the internet. Were being lied to on an epic scale and if you look at who is in on it there are not a lot of other possible explanations. Ive noticed the absence of white people too. Although both are paying a price for it, the losses in revenue are apparently seen merely as an investment toward the cause. They have been totally emboldened and safe feeling, they dont need to wear a mask. Well, the fair-minded ones do, anyway. And the fact that they are over playing the number of gay & transgender people by making the percentages of races & genders in these commercials much higher in numbers than they actually are. To me its not a Repub vs Dem or Right vs Left issue. Its a combination of pandering toward certain races and genders . A digital billboard in Times Square lights. Unfortunately, the progressive mindset behind a lot of this nonsense has a firm lock on many, if not most, companies today. But at the same time, the advertising companies were developing a new marketing strategy that got away from mass markets Positioning (Rob, you know what Im talking about). Again, if you want to represent society as it exists knock yourself out but dont try to socially engineer us! As forward-thinking experts in their field, the members of Forbes Communications Council know the importance of thoughtfully incorporating diversity in marketing and ad campaigns. Exactly!! Do not lie, do not cheat, and do not steal from anybody or anything. To a black person, diversity means adding black people. A bleakness akin to socialism. It drives me nuts, and for so long I have felt like I am the only one who gets worked up about it. Where are the 60% white people? There is no war against white people. Nabeel Alamgir, Bareburger Group LLC. The reaction by brands and advertisers to George Floyd and the BLM movement has been misguided, disingenuous, and, as you say, laughably transparent. I also was curious if others were noticing the same phenomenon. as racists. no taxpayer is going to care about my first world problem..lol. I like you already, Cathi! Now I cant tune out. Do you have kids, Anonymous? Someone should research who is actually creating these ads! Being neutral isnt going to change anything. This is a horrible world we live in. Along with the over representation of blacks, theres a ton of people of color from all races in most ads. Representation can be considered a buzzword because our indifference to ads in general have made them white noise most of the time. There was a poll released recently that found that nearly a third of the American population felt that they would have to take up arms against the government (ironically, I post this on July 4th). I call it Clown World and were all living in it. For the past many decades and, I would argue, especially since 2008 we have been living in a world where race is used as a cudgel to divide us. not only for blonde, fair-skinned males, but females with the Marcia Brady look that blonde(ish), blue eyed irish type of face. As with everything millennial, there is a gross lack of maturity, knowledge and understanding when it comes to the real, living 3D world. Or maybe its revenge for all that egregious mansplaining Ive heard so much about. Good. Probably just ignore it as a bunch of racists. Hell, I have a hard enough time dealing with all my own female hormones and emotions I dont need another girl in the house to contend with (I have two little girls who will soon enough be teens with hormones Ill have to handle as well!) This leads me to believe that a majority of blacks have finally achieved the American dream and escaped poverty. Thank you for pointing out yet another double standard. The same has been for blacks since 1960. I closed it down soon after I closed down my business. Until Black leaders come out and say something nothing will change. While I agree with most of the above comments, I feel the old mantra comes to mind follow the money.. Hi, Robert. If I had a DVR, I would tape the shows and fast forward right through them. These advertisers are scumbags and people should boycott the products that theyre promoting!! Thats short for a leading man. I dont feel guilty. Even more so with people of color!! Of course, when I searched with Google for this, nothing would show up. Not to mention that the sacred cow that feeds and finances most of the media is never called out. He may be referring to an ordinance passed by politicians in San Francisco that allows shoplifters to steal up to a thousand dollars worth of merchandise (I think thats the amount) without being arrested. Read Fahrenheit 454 and get a prophetic view of this, complete with prophesies of cancel culture and disinformation control, as well as the complete dumbing down of the population the parlor room entertainment wall i.e., TV shows of complete idiocy. Ive always thought that rule number 1 in marketing is to know your audience. Take a look at LinkedIn or anywhere else you see digital or print adverts and its predominantly black females. Brave white men fight and win wars defending freedoms but the woke in hollywood abuses that freedom and shuts them out and replaces them with blacks and asians. I dont think anyone has a problem with brands catering to their customers or trying to gain traction with new demographics. So in short, replace the current population and weaken the next generation with confusion so there is nobody to fight back. Yes, just like race, the mouth-breathers behind all of these so-called equity movements have gone way overboard with regard to the representation of womens bodies. I started to wonder why the vast majority of mixed relationships in ads were black male-white female and not the other way around. Link to page at The Spectator: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/a-post-racial-world-the-last-white-man-by-mohsin-hamid-reviewed, Link to article: https://apnews.com/article/nhl-sports-hockey-race-and-ethnicity-racial-injustice-1fc28e1d7db391c2bec6203fa19fda1f. Advertising is just the tip of this rather large iceberg. About the whole social justice push. Sadly, I think you are largely correct. Expertise from Forbes Councils members, operated under license. I just turn the sound down and walk out of the room. Gawd, I am glad I am not the only one who is bothered by this (catalogs). AP Associated Press style dictates that only the word Black is capitalized when used in a racial, ethnic, or cultural sense; not white. Hey, I dont make the rules.